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The technology has already advanced through the years, and the people have embraced it so tightly that they are almost living in it. Many products and services were also greatly affected by it through the improvements they make. Advertising and marketing, especially in the beauty industry, have also evolved compared from the past years. Now, it is not only the brand labels, companies or manufacturers that may define beauty by the images that they produce. The so-called “millennials” who seek authenticity and genuineness are now a challenge to these companies because of the content they make and share online through the social media, articles, and blogs.

Consumers now don’t distinguish between industries what they think is a good experience. If a retailer gave a consumer a good experience, they begin to set higher standards from the other retailers, no matter what products they sell. That is why the industry should pay more attention now to the user-generated contents about the beauty industry.

Here are some areas to watch out for:

1.) Community

The online community has long been active for almost a decade now. They have a few struggles at the start especially in promoting and selling products and services but it has been improved now and the beauty industry can testify by the excellent examples that are work in the online community. Some brands already have many passionate reviewers and followers. They even have established their own online communities.

2.) Social Media
Social media is now part of the people’s everyday life. You can see almost everyone glued to their cell phones browsing their own social media accounts. Companies have taken advantage of this and started promoting their products in every platform especially in Instagram where images of the products can be seen. Followers can also share their own experiences with the products.

3.) Reviews
Reviews can also make a huge impact in the selling of products. If a certain product or brand has received bad reviews from its customers, other clients that are looking for out for new products may opt not to try products that have negative reviews.

4.) The next leap
Beauty brands that have made a name in the online community are also starting to build a physical store where clients can walk-in and try their products personally before purchasing them.