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This pandemic has caught us all off-guard and has put everything in our life on hold. We are all trying to adjust to what we now call the “new normal” and responsibly do our part to keep us and everyone around us safe and healthy.

Because of this, anxiety and stress are inevitable and it is starting to show on our skin. And since visiting the dermatologist is currently off the table, there is no better time than now to find a good alternative to continue to take care of our skin while still getting the advice of experts we trust.

Virtual consultation has been pretty common nowadays since a lot of people don’t want to take the risk of getting sick when they go outside. A lot of skincare professionals have started adapting this trend as a way of continuing some of their services and building relationships with both their new and existing clients. It is good to know that you’re not totally cut-off from any expert advice that you badly need right now.

What can you expect in a virtual consultation?

Seeing your dermatologist again (in this case, virtually!) might require a little extra work on your part. Make sure you comply with the requirements needed before the consultation. You might be required to fill out some forms detailing the current conditions of your skin, pain points (if any), and products that you are currently using. You might also be asked to send photos for a more accurate assessment. This way, you’re giving your doctor important insights on your habits, what you’re using, and if there is a need to change or maintain your skincare routine.

Education and more information. Use this opportunity to ask your dermatologist your most pressing skin concerns. This is also a good opportunity for them to get a better understanding of why you have those concerns in the first place, and really educate you on what type of personal care you can do at home with the resources that you have. If you’re already a regular at their clinic, they might give you extra advice since they are already familiar with your skincare journey.

Continuous support. Get an expert’s recommendations directly rather than stress yourself  Because even while their clinics are close, they are still willing to send tools and skincare products so you can provide your own care in the comforts of your home.

Flexibility. Getting a virtual consultation means you don’t have to face the stress of preparing to leave the house and traveling to the clinic. You can use that extra energy to do something else to alleviate the stress and anxiety brought by the sudden changes in your routine and lifestyle.

Beyond being in the comfort of your own home, you’ll feel like you have your doctor’s undivided attention and ask as many questions as you can within the timeframe you’re given. 

For those who have serious medical skin issues, it’s still advisable to get an in-person appointment because there’s only so much that can be treated through the screen. Confirm with your dermatologist first if they are allowing physical visits and more importantly, make sure that you follow the guidelines set to keep yourself safe during this time.