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So, this age old phrase has been heard many times.  But what does it actually mean:  Accept the state in which you are in now physically?  I am not really sure to be honest.  Because when it comes down to it, there are a number of things that I can list about my physical attributes I am not exactly thrilled with.  But let’s be clear, I will make the most of what I have issues with by focusing on the good.  With that being said, Loving The Skin You Are In simply put means we should take care of ourselves, because when we look better we feel better.  Check out this article on tricks to nix oily and shiny skin (one of my issues, lol!) and give Carolina Eye Candy a call to schedule a skin consultation, makeup application, eyelash services or one of our other services.  We will help you to love the skin you are in, indeed!

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