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Most people neglect taking care of their skin while they are young. For many, they only take care of their skin when they start seeing issues like skin aging and all. Well, we must drop that notion. It is best to take care of your skin before it’s too late.

Here are some tips on how to keep your skin young:

  1. WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERYDAY. Sunscreen is like the Number 1 factor of skin aging. Doesn’t matter if you get outside of the house or inside, still wear sunscreen. 85% of aging is photo-aging, so you must protect your skin from the sun. Especially when you’re out under the sun, you must reapply sunscreen every couple of hours. You must remember though that different skin complexion requires different SPF.
  2. GET A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. Your skin also needs pampering. Get a professional to do that at least every quarter if you can’t do it once a month.
  3. USE PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS AT HOME REGULARLY. It does make sense that you also use the same products where you got your facial from when you’re at home. Most over the counter skin products do not the work the same for every skin type whereas when you use the same products that your skin care salon is using, you’re sure that they are meant for your skin type. Besides, it’s always a good thing to ask the professionals.
  4. GIVE YOUR SKIN A MAKEUP BREAK. Makeup is also a factor of skin aging so as much as possible, don’t wear too much makeup products on your skin and always wear sunscreen underneath your makeup. Don’t forget to put some sunscreen on your neck, décolleté, ears and eyelids as well.

Watch this video:

At Carolina Eye Candy we are all about Lashes Brows & Skin. And we are extremely excited about our skincare line. We have some amazing package promos going on, so check them out! You can find out more about the products here.

So, I hope these tips are useful, no matter where you are in your age care journey. Remember, it is best to start taking care of your skin while you’re still young and use some age appropriate products for your skin.